The following entities have invested in SIW and our vision of a workforce that empowers regional businesses to be competitive in the global economy. 





Friends of SOINWORKS

Under $2.5K

Dr. Rita H. Shourds

One Southern Indiana

JobWorks JETS

Mr. "P" Express

Targeted Recruiting Group

WM Kelley

First Harrison

Caesars Southern Indiana

The Marketing Company

Trilogy Health Services

Todd & Patty Garrison

Tony & Amanda Waterson

Crowe LLP


Koetter Group

Why Does SIW Need Corporate, Foundation, and Nonprofit Investors?

The majority of SIW’s funding comes from restrictive federal and state resources, which do not allow for the flexibility needed to adequately serve the Region’s business community. SIW would like to embark on new and innovative workforce initiatives including but not limited to: 

Career Awareness and Education

Focusing on increasing education and awareness about career pathways and opportunities in the region for high school and middle school students;

Career Pathways

Developing career pathways for the target sectors and connecting with businesses to develop career pathways and outreach and education materials; and

Work-Based Learning

Increasing internships, apprenticeships, and incumbent worker training and developing stronger partnerships with businesses.

What are the Immediate Benefits of Becoming an Investor of SIW?

  • Investors will be identified on the SIW website and signage in our WorkOne offices.

  • Investors may be given the opportunity to invest in flexible programming that speaks to their workforce priorities and needs. 

  • Investors will be provided with earned media opportunities, including recognition at an annual SIW event.

  • Social Media exposure

  • First options for additional event sponsorship

How Does SIW Launch & Create Momentum on our Investor Campaign?

Begin this discussion around the merits of investor support and the planned Campaign with the Board and other stakeholders during upcoming strategic planning process in late Spring 2021. Encourage them to be early adopters in the program. Ask them to send Campaign materials to their business network and to other leaders within the Region. Ask them to assist in naming the Campaign.

Use new foundational support (Center Point Energy Foundation and Duke Energy Foundation) plus support from One Southern Indiana as a call to action to other community leaders to support the work of SIW.

Plan a recognition event for 2022 to celebrate the campaign, highlight successes, and make ask for additional investment. 

How Will SIW Build Upon and Grow this Campaign? 

Continue every year to re-launch the campaign around the annual recognition event, to remind community leaders why they should invest or continue to invest in SIW. SIW may consider highlighting a new program or centering around a theme in future years to keep the Campaign relevant and fresh.

Consider hiring a fundraiser in addition to engaging community leader(s) to leverage their network to increase investment.

Consider creating a tiered business services system for investors and other area employers. Example: There can be free business services for all employers, additional/enhanced serves for low-dollar investors, and a level of service and promotion for large investors that would enhance their reputation in the Region as “an employer of choice.”

Consider allowing investors to “earmark” their investment in specific SIW initiatives, which may increase their buy-in if there are certain initiatives in which they are very enthusiastic. 

Invest In Southern Indiana Works, Today!

Get Started, Today!


  • Why Does SIW Need Corporate, Foundation, and Nonprofit Investors?

    The majority of SIW’s funding comes from restrictive federal and state resources, which do not allow for the flexibility needed to adequately serve the Region’s business community. SIW would like to embark on new and innovative workforce initiatives including but not limited to: 

    • Career Awareness and Education - focusing on increasing education and awareness about career pathways and opportunities in the region for high school and middle school students;

    • Career Pathways - developing career pathways for the target sectors and connecting with businesses to develop career pathways and outreach and education materials; and

    • Work-Based Learning - increasing internships, apprenticeships, and incumbent worker training and developing stronger partnerships with businesses.
  • What are the Immediate Benefits of Becoming an Investor of SIW?

    • Investors will be identified on the SIW website and signage in WorkOne offices.
    • Investors may be given the opportunity to invest in flexible programming that speaks to their workforce priorities and needs.
    • Investors will be provided with earned media opportunities, including recognition at an annual SIW event.
    • Social Media exposure

    • First options for additional event sponsorship
  • How Does SIW Launch and Create Momentum on our Investor Campaign?

    Begin this discussion around the merits of investor support and the planned Campaign with the Board and other stakeholders during upcoming strategic planning process in late Spring 2021. Encourage them to be early adopters in the program. Ask them to send Campaign materials to their business network and to other leaders within the Region. Ask them to assist in naming the Campaign.

    Use new foundational support (Center Point Energy Foundation and Duke Energy Foundation) plus support from One Southern Indiana as a call to action to other community leaders to support the work of SIW.

    Plan a recognition event for 2022 to celebrate the campaign, highlight successes, and make ask for additional investment. 

  • How Will SIW Build Upon and Grow this Campaign?

    Continue every year to re-launch the campaign around the annual recognition event, to remind community leaders why they should invest or continue to invest in SIW. SIW may consider highlighting a new program or centering around a theme in future years to keep the Campaign relevant and fresh.

    Consider hiring a fundraiser in addition to engaging community leader(s) to leverage their network to increase investment.

    Consider creating a tiered business services system for investors and other area employers. Example: There can be free business services for all employers, additional/enhanced serves for low-dollar investors, and a level of service and promotion for large investors that would enhance their reputation in the Region as “an employer of choice.”

    Consider allowing investors to “earmark” their investment in specific SIW initiatives, which may increase their buy-in if there are certain initiatives in which they are very enthusiastic.    

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